Posted tagged ‘MADDness of MADD’

Arrest Warrants Issued – DWI delinquent fine deadbeats.

March 11, 2014

Arrest Warrants Issued – DWI delinquent fine deadbeats. If that sounds like a debtors’ prison, a legal relic which was abolished in this country in the 1830s, that’s because it is. And courts and judges in states across the land are violating the Constitution by incarcerating people for being unable to pay such debts. Here’s the letter sent out by James P. Fisher, Commonwealth’s Attorney – Fauquier County

Dear Fauquier County taxpayer and citizen,

I am pleased to announce the final tier in the Commonwealth’s Attorneys delinquent fines and costs collections efforts.

Last week my office hand-delivered a stack of arrest warrants to be issued against the top delinquent offenders who have gone more than 6 months without paying their Drunk Driving fines.*

Warrants will we served by the Fauquier Sheriff’s Office, or in out of county cases by the authorities in such counties.

This tier of collections efforts is a continuation and escalation of the program where we have elected to pursue such offenders locally rather than through Richmond. I would also like to personally thank our County Treasurer Tanya Wilcox who has done an excellent job in collections efforts of those offenders who do not pay their court fines.  Tanya and her staff are largely responsible for returning local fine revenue to Fauquier County as our collections agent. She is a valuable partner in this effort and is providing us with the names of the worst offenders who have completely thumbed their nose at the court system and walked away without paying ANY fines.  These are the offenders we are now pursuing with arrest warrants in order to have any of their suspended sentences revoked due to their noncompliance.

The net fiscal year recovery of delinquent fines since we have instituted the program is as follows (this includes the locally collected “fee” for collections efforts which we keep rather than such fee going to Richmond):

2010: $363,182.75
2011: $377,152.92
2012: $423,095.43
2013: $448,012.12

Thank you for your continuing support!

James P. Fisher
Commonwealth’s Attorney – Fauquier County

The MADDness of MADD ~ Passive Alcohol System

July 12, 2012

The MADDness of MADD.  Get ready to kiss your Right to TRAVEL FREELY, UNENCUMBERED, and UNFETTERED and your right to unreasonable searches good~bye.  MADD  is pushing for a passive alcohol system to be installed in every car manufactured in the world. Here is an early preview of how the system may work.
